Thursday, May 27

24 Little Hours

What a difference a day makes. Yesterday I was on top of the world. Everyone slept all night, breakfast went smoothly, Harry smiled at Ollie, I got my new laptop, and I found my favorite tradeo show on the radio. I even went so far as to purchase a lottery ticket. Yep, the person that calls the lottery a tax on stupidity bought a lottery ticket.

How foolish was I to think today would be as easy? Very foolish. The worst part? It started out deceptively similar to yesterday.Everyone slept until at least 7:00, which was good because I was up until 2:00 playing with my new toy. Just about the time Harry finished eating, Ollie woke up and was ready for his prunes and cereal. I took time to eat some Cheerios. We all got dressed. All of this happened without incident. So much so, I decided to lug everyone out the door and head to
Meijer to pick up some cheap soft drinks ($3.97 for 24 packs!) and a few other essentials.

Everything was going great. Ollie, Harry, and I were on the road by 9:30, we dropped off the recyclables, and even swung by the bank...all without incident. Then we went to
Meijer All seemed well when we arrived. I piled both boys in the cart and we went straight to the soft drink aisle. I felt so confident that everyone was happy, I browsed the children's clothing. Of course I would have loved to have those peaceful minutes back when checkout time arrived.

As I waited in line, I noticed Harry was frowning. I took note and tried to cheer him up but I just assumed Ollie probably pulled his toe or something and he'd get over it in no time. Just to be on the safe side I decided to head to the self-checkout to speed things up. Within a matter of seconds Harry was screaming at the top of his lungs. What? Where did that come from? I get so flustered when one of my guys causes a scene in public because I've always despised bratty kids and parents who think I want to see or hear their bratty kids. So when an old lady approached us and persistently asked Ollie, "Is that you making all that noise?" as Harry continued to scream, it was the icing on the cake. I dropped my wallet and then knocked one of the 24 packs of Diet Pepsi onto the floor which blocked my cart. Just as I thought things couldn't get worse I couldn't get the machine to accept my payment! YIKES!

Anyway, today's lesson is as follows:
The next time I see a mother juggling groceries and a screaming child I will offer to help. And more importantly I will do this without causing more of a scene or judging her parenting skills.

How'd the rest of the day go, you ask? Well, Harry was just getting started and we struggled with the crabbies all day. Thankfully Ollie was on his best behavior and didn't even try to break into the liquor cabinet or steal the television remote one time today. And even better, everyone is sleeping now and I'm playing with the new computer for the second time in 24 hours...

Oh What a Beautiful Morning, Oh What a Beautiful Day

I knew today was going to be good when my bladder woke me up at 2:30. Well, maybe it was a few minutes later when I checked the status of my laptop delivery and I saw that it was in Indianapolis and was scheduled to be delivered before 10:30 today. Then I went back to sleep and didn't wake up until 6:00 when Daddy got up for work and Harry woke up to eat. I'm really getting used to getting 6+ hours of sleep each night.

Just as Harry finished up eating, I heard Ollie squirming in his crib. I took the bet that I'd have enough time eat some Multi-Grain Cheerios with strawberries before he was ready to get up and I won. For once we all took turns eating in an orderly fashion and everyone was in a great mood. As is our usual routine, we headed to the love seat to cuddle and make a plan of attack for the day. As we were relaxing, I took the opportunity for Ollie to interact with Harry a little. As they faced each other, Ollie shook a toy in Harry's face. This prompted the biggest grin I've ever seen, which in turn caused Ollie to smile a somewhat toothy smile. Of course I had tears in my eyes within seconds. I had just witnessed their first true interaction. This was one amazing moment that I will NEVER forget.

After I wiped the tears it was time to get dressed and head outside to enjoy the beautiful weather. As soon as we got outside I turned on the radio and the first station that tuned in was doing Dial 'N Deal.  I wondered if this day could get any better.  And indeed it did as Harry enjoyed his first swing experience while Ollie drove his red coupe and John Deere.

After hanging for almost an hour, Grammie came by to stay with the boys so I could go pick up my laptop.  I was gone about 55 minutes and as soon as I walked in the door I cracked into the box and fired up my new Mac Book (Steve Jobs don't let me down).  

Once Grammie left, the laptop was set aside so I could tend to my guys again.  Setup would have to wait until reinforcement arrived.  Eventually Daddy did get home, but by the time we ate it was getting late and Ollie really wanted to head back outside before bed.  I guess he was concerned about working on his tractor, which is just what he did for about 20 minutes. 

By the time Ollie got a bath, Harry had a bottle, Betsy went outside, and I did two loads of laundry I'm finally finishing set up at 1:30 am.  I'm really going to be sorry in about 4 1/2 hours....zzzzzzzz

Tuesday, May 25

Hello fans...

New laptop should be arriving today or tomorrow! Technical difficulties will be over and new season should get back on the air without programing interuptions. YIPPIE!!!
Sent from my BlackBerry device from Cincinnati Bell Wireless

Saturday, May 1

More Technical Difficulties

Sorry fans, we're having more technical difficulties. Tune back in Monday when my computer should be returned.
Sent from my BlackBerry device from Cincinnati Bell Wireless