Monday, August 2

Giddy Up

After the last few weeks of chaos, my boys and I planned to stay home all day today cleaning and relaxing. This would have worked out just fine if Daddy had closed the refrigerator door when he made his lunch last night. So instead I spent the morning clearing out spoiled food and the afternoon grocery shopping.

Ollie was in rare form today. I guess being home and relaxing all morning brought out his mischievous side. First, he "helped" me clean the refrigerator by closing the door every time I'd turn my back. Then he kept stealing the squeeze bottle jelly and running away with it. I could just imagine finding grape goo wall art. Once I got all of the food and shelves out, I turned my back for two seconds to get a towel and just that quick Ollie climbed into the fridge. Meanwhile back at the farm exersauser, Harry watched all the action. Speaking of the farm exersauser, Ollie managed to climb onto it and try to join Harry in the seat in the 30 seconds it took for me to scrub the back wall of the fridge.

Thankfully, Grandma stopped by on her way home from Sabluex and she offered to take us to lunch. We weren't about to turn down a Big Boy, especially since we didn't have many food options, so we geared up to head out. Ollie was so excited about the thought of eating, he fell down and bumped his face, which started a small nose bleed. Not even noon on a Monday, and I'm feeling like this week will never end!

All went well at lunch. Ollie sat in the booster seat like a Big Boy while enjoying his Jr. Big Boy and apples. Harry was happy for 95% of the meal and we managed to make friends with two servers. Next we were off to County Market. We rushed through the store and managed to be home by 2:30. Ollie passed out, Harry passed out, and I passed out too.

After dinner we headed to the basement to introduce Harry to Rusty the horse. Ollie took this opportunity to lead Rusty around and demonstrate the ropes of horse taming.
Before we knew it, Harry was looking like a genuine cowboy.
Now that Harry had the hang of it, Ollie took a spin on Bucky. Nothing like an evening ride side by side with your best buddy.

After putting the horses back in the barn, Grammie and Poppy stopped by with some goodies for both boys. Ollie's wild child side came out again and he even shook his head no when Grammie asked for a hug. I think we've maybe entered the "terrible twos" a little early...

Maybe tomorrow we'll be able to stay home and get that cleaning taken care of, or at least another ride on Rusty and Bucky.

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