Wednesday, April 28

New Cast Member Arrives

We arrived at St. Elizabeth around 1:00 am on March 12 and checked in at the birthing center. For some reason the woman that works the desk is so mean and unwelcoming, but I killed her with kindness even with my contractions that were growing stronger by the second.

After being poked and prodded by various hospital staff (I hope) I was finally assigned my own room and was able to have everyone come visit. I was working through the pains pretty well, but eventually chickened out of going natural and asked for an epidural.

As is only my luck, the anesthesiologist came to my room almost immediately, but within minutes they determined my blood work had not been processed yet, so she was going to leave me to do another patient and be back shortly. Meanwhile my contractions were growing stronger and I was feeling more and more exhausted from the lack of rest over the last 36 hours.

Finally I heard her cart rolling down the hall toward my room, but just as quickly as she entered, another nurse came and asked me if her patient could go before me because she so far along that if she didn't get it immediately she would lose her opportunity. Of course being the nice person I am, I said certainly but on the inside I was dying. This panicked Jason, but he was trying very hard to keep it together for me.

After what seemed like an eternity, the anesthesiologist finally arrived once again. I suppose waiting made the sweet release of the epidural even more amazing than I remembered from Ollie's birth. Now we would be able to rest for a few hours before it was time to push. Somehow Jason was able to doze off almost immediately, but I was wide awake with anxious nerves. I took this time to text message Uncle Jeremy to check the status of the Bentley Estate.

When it was getting close to arrival time the doctor, 3 nurses, and 3 nursing students (no modesty here) arrived to assist/witness. I'll spare the gory details, but by 10:15 am I was pushing, by 10:45 a very hairy head appeared, and by 10:51 I was holding my sweet baby...BOY! He was 9 lbs, 1 oz and 21 inches long. His hair looked red, but we weren't sure and his limbs were long and lean. He definitely took after my mom's family.

We had pretty much decided (but refused to tell anybody) a boy would be Harrison Leo or a girl would be Harriet Rose, but once we saw him we knew Harry would suit him perfectly. Daddy and I enjoyed some time to get acquainted with the little guy and give him the opportunity to eat for the first time. Just like Ollie, he took to the whole food/boob thing right guys like to eat! Then he got his first bath in preparation for his first visitors.

Then it was time to let in the grandparents! They managed to not cause a stampede entering the room and I'm not sure if they drew straws in the waiting room, but they took turns in an orderly fashion holding they newest member of the family.

After everyone got the chance to hold and coo at the little guy, the exhausted group headed home. Grammie and Poppy were going to relieve Aunt Julie and Uncle Jeremy of Ollie duty and Grandma and Grandpa were going to take Betsy. The babysitting crew wanted to swing by to see their newest nephew.

Now it was time to relax, recuperate, and hopefully get some shuteye.

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