Wednesday, April 28

Since Our Last Episode V


Hanging with Daddy watching tractor pulls.

Feeding Grandma's cows.

Not too much activity the first half of March. I was ready to pop and Daddy was working long hours. Thank God for Grandma and Grammie because they helped almost daily with Ollie. By this time I could barely pick him up because my belly was s0 big. I am very grateful Ollie is laid back because a hyper child would have been impossible. He was very mobile by this point and even started to mimic my waddle. Unfortunately I could never catch him on video.

I started having irregular contractions on March 7th. Needless to say I wanted that baby out of my body, but I had no clue how I was going to deal with two little people. By the 10th I didn't think I could take it anymore, so I headed to Sableux for a pedicure to speed things up. Within 24 hours I started having contractions every 15 minutes...all day long. Grandma stayed with me to help with Ollie and to be ready in case we had to head to the hospital. Daddy reluctantly headed off to work, but called approximately 37 times. By 5:00 Daddy was home and the contractions were no closer together, so Grandma headed home leaving me in my guys' hands.

I ate dinner and tried to rest. Finally around 9:00 the contractions subsided and I was able to doze off. When I woke up at 11:15 to a really strong and long one, I knew it was game on. I woke Daddy up so he could be my time keeper and within 10 minutes had my doctor on the phone confirming my hospital reservation. I called Grandma and Uncle Jeremy while Daddy notified Grammie and Aunt Julie.

While Daddy gathered our bags I quietly approached Ollie's room so I could tell him goodbye. After a gentle, teary kiss I was about to leave when he quietly opened his eyes and almost smiled at me and then promptly fell asleep again.

Within 3 minutes Grammie was at our basement door in full makeup and hair fixed (apparently she went to bed that way so she could be out the door within seconds of our call). This was great because I was afraid I didn't have time to wait for Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Julie to arrive as planned to watch Ollie.

Before we walked out the basement door I had Daddy snap the pictures below, knowing that once again our lives were about to change forever......

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