Saturday, July 4

July 4 + 5K= Sleepy Ollie

After staying out a little too late last night, getting up early this morning was a struggle for Olliee...and Daddy. Somehow, we managed to get up and out the door with just enough time to get to Edgewood, park at St. Pius, unload and set up the stroller, and truck on over to the starting line, pick up our bibs, and meet up with our racing partners before the gun went off.

All of us were walking except Molly, so she left us in the back of the pack and joined the rest of the runners for the first start. Just a few minutes later the walkers were off, and we started a little on the slow side. I was feeling bouncy in my new shoes, so I raced ahead to take a few pictures. Ollie was fascinated with all the action and fought off his morning nap even though he was rubbing his eyes.

Ollie and Jason were determined to stay ahead of Emmett and Eileen, and Tyler and Cameron were all over the place running, walking, zigzagging left and right. Scott, Tracy, and I were just along for the ride.

When we got to mile one our time was over 18 minutes. Not too speedy, but hey we were still moving forward. Shortly after passing mile one, we saw Molly coming in the distance. She was trucking along which must have inspired us because we really seemed to pick up speed and even passed a few people.

Soon, we were at the half way point and on our way back. After hitting mile two, we were directed to the sidewalk to make way for traffic, and they shut off fire hydrant spraying down the racers. This was our first clue that we were not going to place in this race, but we forged ahead. Molly finished in like 30 minutes and then came back to meet us and run Tyler into the finish. Now that we were on the sidewalk it became more and more difficult to pass other racers, but Daddy didn't let that stop him from 4-wheeling in the grass to get around.

We ended up finishing in 46 and 47th place and Daddy didn't let Eileen and Emmett pass them, even though we all ended up running the last .2 miles. After the race we hung out eating bagels and fruit and catching our breath. Ollie and Emmett chatted, probably comparing their sweet rides.

After the race I felt energized. Something spilled in the refrigerator so I took everything out, scrubbed it, and put everything back. Meanwhile, Daddy and Ollie had other plans.

The rain kept us from doing anything too exciting the rest of the day, but at least we were really active all morning.

Tomorrow we have no plans, but I'm sure we'll find something to occupy our time.

1 comment:

  1. why is it boys always find some way to go 4-wheel-in ??????
