Friday, July 17


This week has been exhausting! Sometimes when choosing between blogging and sleeping, I choose blogging. Sometimes, I choose sleeping. Last night was definitely a sleeping kinda night.

Besides, I don't have too much to say because Ollie and I have not been together more than what seems like 10 minutes at a time for the last 5 days! I can't wait until next week when I won't be working quite as much and then the week after when things get back to a "normal" schedule.

I will NEVER understand how mothers that work full-time can manage. It just stresses me out to no end. I suppose I just try to squeeze too much into the small amount of time I have, and probably more likely my expectations are way too high. Somehow I think I should have time to make a gourmet dinner, read to Ollie, clean the entire house, go for a walk, do laundry, give Ollie a bath, read the newspaper, shower Betsy and Petunia with attention, and manage to not be crabby with Jason. That would be a full day for someone without a job or a baby!

Really I just need to step back and prioritize, which is probably one of my worst skills. Somehow I convince myself that everything is high priority and must be done immediately. But really, will I be a terrible mother if there are dust bunnies under our beds or we eat Campbell's soup for dinner instead of roasted chicken and fresh vegetables? Probably in some people's eyes, but I suppose the only opinions that matter are Ollie and Jason, and they seem to be doing just fine.

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