Thursday, July 2

Ollie's Playmate

After yesterday's plumbing and shopping, Ollie must have really been worn out. He slept until almost 8:00 and then dozed back off after breakfast until 10:00. I took this opportunity to sleep in and then I cooked myself a delicious omelet and actually had time to enjoy it.

Once I was able to get the little guy moving, we gathered our things and were heading out to run errands. Just before we walked out the door, Grammie called and wanted to hang out. She suggested going to the Alexandria Community Park. We agreed and got ready to roll.

After driving through the bank, a 15 minute post office stop, and a Sonic drink fix we were off to the park. I had never been there before, so Grammie had to show me the ropes. First, we walked around the lake enjoying the view and the cool breeze while Ollie dozed in his stroller.

The kiddie area was deserted which gave us a chance to play around without fear of being trampled by preschoolers. Ollie (and I) played 4 x 4 truck driver and pirate before settling in on the swings.

Grammie rigged Ollie's blanket to help secure him in the baby swing and he was ready to rock. I couldn't resist using the seat next to him (am I really mature enough to be a parent when I can't stay off the playground equipment?) and he was mesmerized by my swinging.

When we got home, Ollie chugged down a bottle and passed out for his late afternoon nap. By the time Daddy got home, he was rested and ready to roll. Daddy had a rough day, so it took him a few minutes to regroup and get ready to hang with his buddy.

After dinner, we took the car out of the garage and headed outside to enjoy the cool weather. Daddy was driving really fast and Ollie giggled and kicked the whole time. Why is it all boys have the need for speed?

Daddy wore Ollie out or vice versa because they dozed off in the recliner while I folded laundry. Both my boys are in bed now, and I'm about to head that way myself.

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