Wednesday, September 2

Everybody Love a Parade

Thankfully we slept until almost 5:30 this morning! Looks like we're on the right track, even if we have no idea what caused it. I worked a long day today trying to make up for lost time yesterday, but made sure to be home in time to make it to the Alexandria Fair Parade.

Since Daddy and Grandpa were participating in the festivities with their tractors, we had to make sure to get to Aunt Sissy's parade route party in plenty of time to beat the traffic. Grandma came over around 5:00 to tend to Ollie while I pulled myself together. We arrived at the party around 6:15 and got a prime parking space across the street. As we pulled up we saw Grammie, Poppy, Mandy, and Macie were already there.

Macie and Ollie were happy to see each other and he made sure to keep his hat on to show off his fashion sense to his lady friend. Grammie and Poppy brought us Sonic limeades, so as soon as Ollie saw the cup he was ready for a drink. In between drinks Ollie spent time mingling with all the guests.

Soon the parade started. First off was the band and since Ollie is the newest member of the CCHS Band of Pride fan club, he was thrilled. As Mandy and I were planning Macie and Ollie's future band days the fire trucks made their way down Main Street. Poor Ollie's ears couldn't handle the sirens, but he wanted to see the trucks and flashing lights. Even after they passed he was still a little worked up, but we knew Daddy and Grandpa were coming soon and that should cheer him up. Finally we heard the tractors approaching in the distance. This was just what Ollie needed to get back on track.

After making some new friends and collecting way too much candy the parade was over. I was half sick from eating AirHeads and Tootsie Rolls, but I'll blame Speck for making me do it. Grandma, Ollie, and I packed up and slipped out just before traffic backed up. Thankfully we made it home before bedtime meltdown and Ollie was sound asleep by 8:45. All is well and hopefully we'll get a full night's sleep again tonight. Cross your fingers.

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