Sunday, September 13

Go Grandparents!

Thankfully, Speck relaxed a little last night and actually allowed me to go to sleep at a reasonable hour. Of course big brother didn't cooperate quite as well and woke up around 2:00. Best of all, it only took him an hour and 45 minutes to go back to sleep. I'll admit I was cursing his teeth for an hour and 44 minutes of that time.

Since we got practically no sleep, and Daddy was planning on finishing the deck rail with Poppy, we skipped church this morning. Eventually we'll be able to make it to church again, right?

While Daddy and Poppy worked on the railing, Ollie and I relaxed on the couch with a few of our favorite toys. Fatigue caused Speck to act crabby, so I have to admit I wasn't as enthused about the dump truck as my playmate. We did enjoy hanging in our pajamas though.

Eventually, I got dressed and made some breakfast for all of us while Ollie watched from his high chair. Scrambled eggs and quesadillas were delicious and seemed to calm Speck's nerves. We were so relaxed that while Ollie took his morning nap, I passed out on the couch.

While we were sleeping Grammie showed up to check out the railing progress, which was actually just a ploy to see Ollie. Once we woke up, we headed outside to watch construction. Ollie was less enthusiastic than we anticipated, but probably because we slept through most of the good table saw action.

Shortly after Daddy and Poppy finished, Grandma and Grandpa showed up. This was perfect because Ollie had cards to deliver to all of his grandparents for Grandparents' Day. Amazing how a 99 cent card can elicit tears.

Once all grandparents disbursed, we headed back inside for some playtime, late lunch, and afternoon nap.

The usual Sunday routine of dinner, grocery, and bed followed. This week is going to be hectic as usual, so we need to rest up this evening. Off to bed to keep Speck happy.

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