Thursday, June 4

Lazy Thursday

I was finally off today so Ollie and I spent all morning relaxing. Grandma stopped by around 10:30 on her way to the grocery store. She persuaded us to go with her, but I'm guessing she was just encouraging Ollie and me to get out of our pajamas.

All that shopping wore poor Ollie out. He was so exhausted that he whimpered during the entire drive home from County Market and finally fell asleep as we turned onto Pleasant Ridge Road. He didn't even wake up when I put him in his crib.

When he finally woke up, Grammie called to let us know Aunt Dottie, Uncle Paul, and Kylie were at her house and we should walk down to say hello. I think they were shocked at big Ollie is since the last time they saw him.

Ollie enjoyed watching 6-year-old Kylie and all of her enthusiasm and energy.

Next, we headed home to cook dinner for Daddy. He had to go back into work at 6:30 this evening...again. Poor Daddy really needs a night off. After eating the boys played on the computer while I cleaned up. Ollie really seems to enjoy looking at tractor parts. Go figure.

As Daddy left for work, Ollie and I loaded up the car and headed to the recycling bin at the Police Station. As soon as I finished unloading all the baby food jars, Ollie started whining. I think the teeth are flaring up again because he cried for nearly an hour. Tears and everything. Why do these things happen when I'm without reinforcement? As suddenly as it started, the crying ended and Ollie was ready to eat his prunes and go to bed. I can't complain about the mood swings, but poor Daddy has two crazies to deal with now.

Tomorrow is back to work for me and back to Grandma's for Ollie. Something tells me he'll have more fun than me.

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