Monday, June 1

Ollie Van Winkle

Things are looking up, way up! I'm starting to get the swing of the new job and feeling more confident now that I'm getting familiar with the employees and stores. I'm getting used to leaving my little guy on a regular basis, and love reuniting with him even more. And most importantly, Ollie has been sleeping through the night again for 4 nights (knock on wood) and we're all getting a decent amount of rest.

Ollie spent the morning with Grammie. I picked him up around 1:45 and we headed home to do some laundry and enjoy some time in the shade. As usual, things did not go as planned because Rip Van Ollie decided to take a 2-1/2 hour nap. I guess yesterday's fishing expedition really wore him out. He slept so long, he skipped his afternoon bottle.

Just as Daddy pulled into the driveway, I heard whimpers coming from the bedroom. By the time we did a diaper change and greeted Daddy it was time for dinner. Chicken with apples was quite a hit and a dessert of yogurt topped it off nicely. Ollie is doing well holding his cup, but sometimes struggles with tipping it to drink. It's funny to watch Mr. Independent insist on holding the cup himself, but get angry when he can't get any water. Daddy thinks he gets this obstinate streak from me, but I don't understand what he's talking about(wink, wink).

After dinner we finally made it outside. Ollie kicked it in his swing while Betsy and I played fetch. Daddy must have been worn out from fishing too, because he crashed on the swing and we couldn't get him to budge, not even for our evening walk. Even worse, after about 3 minutes in the swing, Ollie's eyes started to get heavy and he dozed off too. I got so frustrated with my lazy boys that I ditched them and went about my business.

I woke Ollie up just long enough to give him a bath and tank him up with prunes/cereal and milk before he was off to bed sound asleep. Eventually Daddy strolled inside too.

Tomorrow is supposed to be really hot, so we're planning on filling Ollie's swimming pool to stay cool. After I get home from work that is.


  1. Maybe when Aunt Vicky comes to visit this summer, she can teach him some more Spanish,,because Ollie sure does understand Siesta !!!!!

  2. I'm glad to see you are working things out. I hate to say I told you so becasue I would never say a thing like that BUT... Love ya Molly
