Tuesday, June 16

Spit Take

Yesterday I wasn't feeling too well, so the blog became a non-priority. Sorry. Now for today.

This morning I had to work, so Grandma picked Ollie up around 7:00. Of course, neither Ollie nor I were ready to go, so she helped us get moving. Within 45 minutes Grandma and Ollie were gone and I was out the door and headed to Walmart.

After a fun morning in Walmart and long afternoon in K-Mart, I picked up Daddy and we headed to Grandma's to get Ollie and mooch some grub. When we arrived Ollie was finishing up his late afternoon bottle and Grandma was ready to report on the day's events. Apparently, Ollie misbehaved for the first time in his life! He realized that he could pool milk in his mouth and spit it out on demand, so he proceeded to do just that all over Grandma. Multiple times! Grandma gave him a stern look and told him no, but I guess it took a few times to sink in to the little guys head.

Once Daddy and I arrived, Ollie kept reaching for Daddy's Sonic orange slushie. He's getting so grabby! Yesterday he grabbed the bag of Doritos Daddy was eating. Do I sense a pattern of craving junk food that Daddy is eating? Or maybe its orange-colored food? Damn that pincher grasp! And Daddy's junk food!

After enjoying grilled steaks and garden-fresh lettuce Grandma and I cleaned up, while Daddy and Ollie kept an eye on Grandpa. Grandma insists he needs supervision, so my boys were up to the challenge. We stuck around long enough for Ollie to eat some yogurt, but Daddy was falling asleep, so we packed up and headed home. Grandma really wears Ollie out because he was out within 2 minutes of being in the car and stayed that way until almost 7:00!

While Ollie dozed and Daddy checked his email, Betsy and I took a ride in Daisy the Jeep. It felt just like old times. Me and my dog cruising down the highway with the windows out, enjoying the wind in our hair. I would have forgotten that I had a baby if Daddy had not wallpapered the dashboard and sun visor with pictures of Ollie. Oh, and the John Deere tractor-shaped air freshener taunted me as it swayed back and forth. Man I miss driving my Jeep!

When I got home, I had such a burst of energy that I did about 10 chores in 8 minutes. I think Daddy's head was spinning watching me. While I vacuumed the basement floor, Daddy gave Ollie a bath. Poor little guy was getting tired, so we didn't mess around with feeding cereal and prepping a bottle. He didn't even finish his milk before he started rubbing his eyes and snuggling in to Daddy's chest. I got through the first verse of Love Me Tender before he fell asleep. I guess farm work at Grandma's is exhausting.

Both my boys are sleeping and I'm starting to rub my eyes too, so I'm off to bed.

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