Wednesday, June 10


I think my little one is learning how to manipulate already. He gets cuter and cuter every morning, which makes it more and more difficult to go to work. While I was in the shower this morning, I heard someone making noises through the monitor. Apparently he was kicking his music/water toy repeatedly to turn it off and on. When I finally dried off and made it to his room, he was smiling like it was Christmas morning. Then, when I picked him up, he put his arms around my neck and held on tight, hugging me good morning.

Once he ate his prunes/cereal and drank his milk he snuggled into my chest and acted like he was going to doze off. Meanwhile, the clock was ticking and I only had 30 minutes to get out the door. Outside, a storm was brewing which caused Betsy to knock on the baby gate at the top of the basement steps. Poor thing was trembling and needed comforting and a stiff drink. I suppose this worked out well for me because Betsy's discomfort distracted me from having to choose between Ollie and getting ready for work. For once a minor crisis solved another problem.

Ollie spent all day with Grammie. With the rainy weather, swimming was out of the question, but I think they spent most of the day under the gazebo watching the rain and napping. Daddy and I pulled in the driveway together so we went to pick him up together around 4:00. Our little Peanut was sure happy to see us both. He was eating, but he smiled even with the nipple in his mouth.

Once we got home, he slept off for over an hour. Grammie's house is so exciting that he is usually asleep within the 30 second commute to our house. Now that Daddy completed his online course he's back on the same evening nap schedule as Ollie, so I had some time to relax for a few minutes.

After dinner, Ollie took Rusty for a few laps around the track. He legs get stronger and stronger every day and I can't believe how tall he is getting. Before we know it he'll be too big for Rusty, and scarier yet he'll be mobile and more difficult to contain.

It was so nice outside that Ollie and I decided to check out our flower garden. While we were in the front yard, Krista and Buster stopped by to deliver my jewelry. Ollie giggled when Krista tickled him and kept looking at Buster, admiringly. I think he's starting to really notice kids that are his size or somewhat bigger and he's fascinated with them. I guess that's what happens with an only child.

It has really been a relaxing evening and I'm starting to feel like I'm getting working under control. Of course, I'm thinking this at 11:30 pm. Ask me again at 7:30 am and I'll probably have another opinion.

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