I had planned on going in to work at 8:00, but thankfully my job flexibility allowed me to go back to sleep for a couple of hours before I headed out. Grammie picked Ollie up around 9:00 and I headed off to work around 10:30. I was still dragging and afraid to eat much, but Speck must have dozed off because I was able to function once again.
Everything I tried to do at work took me twice as long as it should have, so I was getting further and further behind as the day continued. Some days it feels like I would have been better off staying in bed!
Daddy got home before me and he went to pick up Ollie from Grammie. I was ready to crash, but there is no time for napping when the little guy is ready to play. After dinner we headed to our bed so he could practice crawling. For some reason, that is the only place he seems to get enough traction to work on the mobility skills.
Ollie's latest obsession is cats, so we used the stuffed kitty he got at Macie's birthday party for incentive. The meowing was just the thing to get him interested, but every time he'd just about take off, he'd roll over onto his back. I guess someday he'll crawl.
Come on Ollie, you can do it! Haha...he is so cute.