Monday, August 31

New Weightloss Plan

We were up again last night from around 2:00-3:15. I guess Ollie's just not getting enough food throughout the day because as soon as we break down and give him a bottle he goes back to sleep. I don't want to start a bad habit, but how can I not feed my "starving" child?

Today I was off work, but Speck and I had a doctor's appointment. Of course lack of sleep led to extreme morning sickness and nausea. Thankfully, Grandma agreed to tag along to the doctor to watch Ollie with the added bonus of getting to hear the heartbeat. Even better, she stopped at Sonic on her way to my house and brought me a gigantic drink, which was the only thing I was able to keep down all day.

The appointment went well. I lost another 6 1/2 pounds, bringing me up to 8 total. We all got to hear the heartbeat, so of course Grandma and I teared up. Ollie seemed completely unaffected and was more interested in watching the doctor than caring about his little sibling. Do you think he's in denial?

After the doctor Grandma and I stopped at Kroger to get some food for Ollie. I'm hoping that more solids will help fill him up so he sleeps all night again. My plan was to prep food this evening for the next couple of days, but the exhaustion of the day and nausea kept me from being able to play chef. Tomorrow is another day.

Lack of sleep and morning sickness is wearing on me, so I hope Ollie sleeps all night. Tomorrow I have a long day at work, so off to bed early.

1 comment:

  1. Strawberry Lime-Aid Please !!!! if Sonic only knew that they have the only thing Speck can eat !!!!
