Friday, August 14

Just An Ordinary Day

Today started off with a bang. There is something about stirring baby cereal and prunes that is enough to set off my stomach every morning. Poor Ollie is starving after a long night, and I can't fix his food with out taking a short "puke" break. I really hope morning sickness ends after the first trimester.

Grammie picked Ollie up around 7:45 and I arrived at work shortly thereafter. Thankfully, things went smoothly today so I was able to get home a little earlier than I had anticipated. After the week I had, I'm surprised I was home before 6:00!

As soon as I got home I headed to Grammie's to pick up my guy. Of course, he was sound asleep on her deck looking like an angel. Apparently Poppy stayed home all day today to hang with Grammie and his little buddy. They rode on the lawn mower and played in the yard. No wonder Ollie was taking such a long nap!

Once he woke up, we headed home to see Daddy and plan our evening. We decided to head to Walmart and grab a bite to eat. Needless to say, we ended up at Sonic, but surprisingly I skipped the limeade. Speck just wasn't in the mood. How can the smallest member of our family cause the most trouble? I guess we'll be asking that question often in the near future!

Ollie fell asleep while we dined which made for a nice pre-bedtime nap. As soon as we got home, Daddy took care of bath duty while I prepped for tomorrow. We're off to Ollie's first tractor show in Georgetown, Ohio so I wanted to make certain we had all of our gear packed this evening. I'm certain I'll forgetting something, but as long as I have diapers and food it's probably not essential.

I'm off to bed now since we're heading out early. I really want Ollie to enjoy himself, but I'm not sure what I'll do with myself when I have two tractor-heads to deal with instead of just one. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Nighty-night.

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