Saturday, August 15

Oliver Tractor

Wow, what a day! Ollie went to his very first tractor show in Georgetown, Ohio today and he LOVED it!

The day started off early because we wanted to try to beat the heat. We met up with Grandma, Grandpa, and JR and we were on the road by 7:30, which gave Ollie the opportunity to sleep for the hour drive there. It was a good thing he rested up, because as soon as we arrived there was so much to see that he didn't know which way to look. Actually, we were concerned he would unscrew his head trying to see everything.

Grandma and I unpacked Ollie, while the boys unloaded the Gator from Grandpa's trailer. Ollie is always thrilled to be able to ride in the Gator, but with all the tractor activity he could not contain his excitement. Whenever he would see something that he really liked, his legs would stiffen and he'd shake his fists while grunting, "Ummmm!"

Our first order of business was to eat breakfast. Everyone got biscuits and gravy, and even Ollie got to try a few bites. Needless to say, he loved that too. After tanking up, we were ready to explore the flea market to look for some bargains. Grandma spotted a wagon, but we were able to talk her out of adding another one to her ever-growing fleet. The only thing I bought was one book for $1.00. That is until I came across the root beer wagon!

Oh, the root beer wagon! As everyone knows, beer in general is one of my favorite beverages and especially straight from the tap. As soon as I realized there was sweet nectar in those barrels, I slapped down $6.00 for a mug that entitled me to $1.00 refills for life. Yeah, you read that right, FOR LIFE! Of course I understand that my odds of running into the root beer wagon on a regular basis is slim to none, but I would have paid $6.00 for a one shot deal. So really, this was the bargain of the day, and between all 6 of us, we filled up 7 or 8 times. I guess my enthusiasm was obvious because the root beer wagon owner saw me pull the self-serve tap and said to me with a chuckle, "Looks like you know your way around a tap." Check out this website if you ever see these people at a festival or fair, call me immediately and I'll bring my mug.
After our first mug of root beer we came across Chili the longhorn bull. This 2,000 pound giant was saddled up and looking for a rider, so of course Ollie volunteered. Grandpa generously paid the price of admission and Daddy did the honors. The funniest part was Ollie seemed unimpressed, or maybe I should say unaffected by Chili's size. I suppose he's too young to know any better.

Next, it was time to get down to tractor business. We all piled in the Gator and drove up and down the rows and rows of displays. Ollie was especially fond of the blue Fords, but I couldn't pass up a picture with the biggest Oliver. Yes, I'm still adamant that my son was not named after a tractor make, but I guess I was hopped up on root beer.

After cruising the tractors and eating lunch, Ollie was ready for a nap. He was really sleepy and rubbing his eyes, but refusing to relax with all the action. We decided to remove him from the situation completely and head to the car. He passed out on the back seat with all the doors open and stayed there for nearly 90 minutes while Grandma and I kept watch.

Unfortunately, just as Ollie woke up and we were gearing up for more fun, the rain started to come down. We reluctantly decided to head home before we all got drenched and the car got stuck in the field. Even though he just woke up from his nap, Ollie slept the entire drive home.

All in all, today was a great day. I'm very happy Ollie enjoyed himself, but I'm not sure how I feel about having two tractor heads under one roof. I guess I'll adjust as long as the little guy will be open to music, museums, and books too. After all, he is his father's son.


  1. That bull is huge and Ollie is just chummin' right on. Oh my god that is cute!

  2. Holy COW !!! Ride-em Cowboy ...Yee-Haw !!!
