Monday, May 18

Early Bird Gets the...Worm?

I guess Ollie didn't want me to be late for work today, so he made sure I was up really early. Like 3:00 AM early. Why is it when I really need sleep he always manages to have issues? Daddy got up with him first, since he knew that I had a big day ahead of me, but the boys just were not being quiet enough for me to sleep. I dragged myself out of bed to assist (see right) and sent Daddy packing. I begged and pleaded with Ollie to go back to sleep, but he just cried and fussed without regard for my feelings. Babies really are selfish, aren't they? But, I guess I would be too if I could do nothing for myself or even communicate my needs effectively.

Finally, he went back to sleep around 4:15, but I decided staying up just made more sense. Besides, 1/2 hour of sleep wasn't going to make or break my day. I took a long, hot shower and folded some laundry before heading upstairs to play backup alarm for Daddy. Somewhat funny/interesting side note: Daddy made his lunch sandwich before going to bed and he forgot to put it in the refrigerator, so he had to make another sandwich this morning or risk food poisoning. I'm not sure which option he chose, although he is still standing upright. I guess he made the right decision.

Grammie arrived at 6:25 (full face and fixed hair, I might add) since I had to drive to Cincinnati-Dayton Road and be there by 7:45. As soon as I was grabbing my things to dart out the door, Ollie started squeaking. Somehow he managed to soak his sleeper and the crib sheets (see the look on his face). Thanks to Grammie I didn't have to deal with this, but I can't imagine what happened in just over 2 hours of sleep. Add to To-Do List: Buy Overnight Diapers.

It's tons of fun driving 40 miles in rush hour traffic with 3-1/2 hours sleep. Work went well and I really feel like I learned a lot, but sleep deprivation started to take it's toll. I spent 4 hours in Wal-mart and the one thing I needed (Overnight Diapers) they were out of in Ollie's size. This is the story of my life! Silly little annoyances that really are not that big of a deal in the big scheme of things, but are just enough to almost put a person over the edge. So, after being in a Wal-mart all morning, I had to stop at Alexandria Wal-mart on the way home for the stupid diapers and of course some prunes for good measure. This turned out to be a good idea because Grammie reported that it may be a smart move to serve some for dinner (to Ollie, not me).

Teeth have been an issue since I picked the little guy up from Grammie's house. I know how much of a pain in the behind I was when my wisdom teeth were coming in, so I have sympathy. However, it's really hard to keep up the energy needed to entertain a crabby baby with practically no sleep. We're really going through quite a little rough patch, aren't we? Such is life.

I'd love to say I'm off to bed, but since it's only 5:30 it'll probably be a couple more hours. Sweet dreams.


  1. have to have full face or ollie wont know who i bed by 11......early for me....up at 6am and off to day 2....precious baby is so happy in the morning.......

  2. All I know is if Grammie doesn't have her "full face" on, call 911 cause something ain't right!!!!
