Wednesday, May 20

The Show Must Go On

We're having computer problems, so I've retreated to Grammie's computer. I'm on a role with 20 consecutive updates and I don't want to start the bad habit of missing.

Today started out at 5:00 with problem after problem, but after that things improved by leaps and bounds...until about 6:30 this evening that is. You would think that I'd be used to getting up at all hours by now, but I just can't seem to get it together in the middle of the night. I stumbled to the kitchen to make his bottle, just barely opening my eyes. After a pit stop for me and diaper change for Ollie (all the while fussing) we finally landed on the couch.

I started to doze off, but jumped suddenly realizing the bottle was empty. Then I started to get a chill and realized my shirt was soaking wet. I'm sure we were quite a site as I was lifting Ollie looking for the leak while he cried and fussed. It took me a good 45-50 seconds to realize the bottle wasn't screwed together all the way. Poor Daddy had the night off, but we caused such a stir, I'm sure we woke him up anyway.

After another bottle that actually made it into his mouth, Ollie went right back to sleep. Daddy had to go off to work, but I headed back to bed. We both slept until nearly 8:00! After eating prunes and getting dressed, we were ready to face the day. We ran a couple of errands and rushed back home to enjoy the beautiful weather.

We both slathered on the sunscreen and gathered books and toys to head outside. After reclining the swing to bed position we snuggled up to take a nap. Ollie reminded me how much he loved sleeping there last summer since it was one of the few places I felt comfortable.

Once Daddy got home we had to go to Uncle Jeremy's to finish up the plumbing project. Just about the time we arrived it was time to eat. I improvised without a highchair and we watched the boys work while we shared green beans and pears.

After eating, Ollie's teeth really started to flare up and he had no patience with being at the "construction" site. I hope Uncle Jeremy's doesn't get a complex, because he wasn't crying at him, he just knew Jeremy would be understanding. Teething Bites!

Tomorrow I have to work, but not until 10:00 so Grammie and I can sleep in. I also get to pick up the family portraits...that should be interesting.

1 comment:

  1. ha jason, i need some plumbing done too **** love your sister
