Tuesday, May 19

Life With Loopy

Even though Ollie woke up at 4:30 this morning, today was way better than yesterday. For one thing Daddy and I made it to bed at a reasonable hour, anticipating an early wake-up call. Secondly, Daddy took care of Ollie so I could stay in bed! Although this was exceptionally sweet, he had ulterior motives. He knows how loopy I get when I don't sleep enough for more than one night in a row, and I'm certain he didn't want to deal with that mess.

Today's training was in Oakley so I didn't have to travel quite as far. Grammie arrived around 7:00 and she had an arm load of clothes from her latest consignment shop run. Once again Ollie woke up just as I was gathering my things to head out. I helped prep his breakfast, then gave him a big smooch as I ran out the door. Things went well at work and I'm getting excited about having a job that seems to work perfectly with my schedule and such. It almost seems to good to be true, but I really think it's not.

The most challenging thing about working is leaving that sweet little face in the morning. He's always in such a good mood after a long night's rest and the bonding that happens while feeding prunes, reading, and singing is priceless. Thankfully, my schedule will allow me to spend 2 or 3 weekday mornings with him, and I'm really grateful. I guess finding that balance between work and home is challenging, but I know that working will help keep me sane, and most importantly able me to carry on an adult level conversation. Or make that adolescent since I've probably never managed to advance past that anyway.

I got home around 1:45 and after making a couple of phone calls and folding some towels I walked to Grammie's to pick up my sweetie. They were under the gazebo in the most comfy chair on the deck. Ollie was sound asleep and Grammie looked so relaxed I thought she might join him any second. If only I would have remembered to take my camera with me.

Once Daddy got home, he made dinner! Like I said, I think he's hedging his bets to try and keep me from going loopy, but I'll take whatever I can get. And honestly, Ollie was really teethy fussy (not that you could tell from this picture) and the only way to cope with that is teamwork.

Ollie fell asleep in his swing while we ate and this made it a real challenge to get him into the bath tub without having a meltdown. Much like me, he does not do well with being awakened and forced to do something too quickly. So, we had to walk the tightrope of time between wake-up-fussy and hungry-fussy. Let's just say we almost succeeded.

I'm off work tomorrow and looking forward to the forecasted 80 degree weather. Maybe I'll even take an afternoon nap with my little man.

1 comment:

  1. I've said it then, and I'll say it now *** SLEEPING IS GOOD !!!
