Wednesday, May 27

Power Failure

Last night our electric went out for about 2 hours, but that wasn't the reason I couldn't blog; I was the power failure. After not enough sleep and a long day I just didn't have the energy to do the things that I wanted to do, so no blog. Besides, nothing too exciting happened anyway. I'm really struggling with balancing work with home. I suppose it will improve as I get more comfortable with my job, but man the last two days have kicked my behind. On to today.

After eating his prunes and cereal, I put Ollie in his bed so I could get dressed. Within that two minute time frame, he fell asleep, on his side, with his legs crossed. I have no idea how he got in that position and dozed off in that short time span, but he managed. Doesn't look too comfy, does it?

I worked all morning while Ollie stayed with Grammie and Poppy. I picked him up around 3:00 and we headed home to get some chores done. This didn't work out as planned because we made the mistake of sitting down in the recliner to rest for a moment. The lack of sleep is really catching up with me because next thing I knew Daddy was standing above us. We slept for nearly an hour!

The dreary weather put Ollie and me in the mood for reading so after dinner we grabbed some books and a chair. Gone are the days of sitting quietly while I read. Now, I have a grabby page tuner. Oh, and he likes to lick the cover and chew the spine too.
After we returned the books to the library it was bath time. Now that he can sit up without support, Ollie was able to use his ducky bath tub Aunt Julie gave him for the first time. He loved it!

We're hoping the ducky bath got him in the mood for a long night's uninterrupted sleep, but who knows. I guess the theme of this week is "Let's See What Mollie Is Made Of" so I'll keep plugging away. Things are bound to look up soon. How can they not, looking at this face?


  1. Mollie, you probably don't want to hear this, but a Snake got in a transformer, and that was the cause of the black-out..We were also out of electric for 2 feels like the invasion of the snakes !!! I'm glad Ollie loved his looks fun !!!

  2. hang in there Mollie. you are one tough gal. don't you remember all those falls you took and kept on going? Ollie is quite the handsome dude.
