Saturday, May 23

Viva Las Vegas

After the extremely draining snake episode, I was forced to take a one-day hiatus to recover. Unfortunately, I didn't really take the opportunity to rest, and instead ended up attending a George Strait concert and a having a very late night of shenanigans.

Yesterday Grandma, Ollie, and I took our car to Mike Castrucci to have the oil changed. Instead of waiting at the dealer, we decided to walk across 27 and enjoy a cold beverage at Sonic. Although this was a lot of fun, who knew how difficult it would be to find a crosswalk that would be easy to maneuver with a stroller. I'm so not used to being that mom with the kid in a stroller, that I have no idea how to scope out the best route.

Once we got home I handed Ollie over to Daddy and prepped for the concert. After giving detailed instructions about how many prunes to feed for bedtime snack, I kissed my boys and rushed off to meet Anna. George was too much fun, so much so that we didn't want the night to end. Next thing we knew, we were in MainStrausse with Jeremy and the crew. I'm certain Anna had no idea what she was agreeing to when I said, "Let's meet up with my brother and his friends." As you can imagine, this did not end early...or should I say this ended really early Saturday morning.

My punishment for staying out so late was Ollie waking up at 6:00 am this morning, just a mere 2 hours after I crawled into bed. Usually when he wakes up early he goes right back to sleep after breakfast. Not this morning. He was full of spunk and ready to play. I suppose this is punishment for years of tormenting Jeremy after late nights by playing the piano as loudly as possible to wake him up. Sorry Jeremy.

Luckily, we didn't have too much to do that was absolutely necessary until 5:00 this evening, so I reverted back to the advice I was given as a brand-new mother to "sleep when your baby sleeps." I shouldn't complain too much however, because Daddy had to work 15 hours today and since I was a little late getting home had to deal with Ollie waking up at midnight all by himself.

I did have to bake the peanut butter cookies that I promised to make my snake heroes and heroine. This did not go as well as planned even though I have made my blue-ribbon-winning peanut butter cookies hundreds of times. I guess my sleep deprivation kept me from looking at all of my ingredients, because I accidentally used reduced-fat peanut butter. The cookies ended up being brownie-like and I didn't have enough butter to make another batch. I guess I'm still indebted to Grandpa, Grammie, and most importantly Jordan.

At 5:00 Ollie and I headed to the Queen Palace Casino on Jerry Wright Road to celebrate Aunt Peggy's birthday. Luckily, we're related to the management, so they admitted Ollie even though he's not quite 21. The best part was he got to meet his cousins and Uncle Bud, and hang with his church buddy, Aunt Georganne.

After enjoying the Grand Buffet and pawning the peanut butter mistake off on the unsuspecting gamblers, we watched Aunt Peggy open her birthday gifts. This took approximately 4-1/2 hours (or maybe 45 minutes). Finally, the casino opened for play and Ollie got his first taste of gambling. We opted for roulette, which was probably not a wise choice. Within 10 minutes we were busted. Since we were out of dough and it was approaching bedtime, we headed home.

Tomorrow we'll be going to church and helping in the garden. Hopefully the sun won't be too hot.

1 comment:

  1. for some reason this reminds me of a old joke,,,,and how did the chicken cross the road ?....LOL
