Sunday, May 17

Peachy Keen

We started off the morning as heathens and skipped church. My back was still bothering me and I knew we had a hectic afternoon ahead of us (listen to my rationalization) so we decided to loaf around the house instead. Daddy and Ollie hung out on the couch watching truck pulling on ESPN. I opted for relaxing in the basement with Betsy and Petunia.

Ollie, Grandma, and I went to a jewelry party at Krista's house this afternoon. As soon as we sat down the little guy managed to spit up most of the peaches that he ate for lunch all over my shirt and jeans. Nothing smells quite like peachy vomit. Funny thing is, it didn't really bother me that much, especially considering I used to have a strict policy that nobody vomit alone in my presence. Look what motherhood has done to me; I don't even recognize myself anymore.

Since he didn't fall asleep in the car like I had planned, Ollie managed to weasel out of his afternoon nap. Of course we always pay the price when we deviate from the schedule, so he started getting fussy while Aunt Debbie held him. After spending more than I planned on a very pretty necklace, Grandma and Ollie headed for Grant's Lick while I was off to Sableux. Even though I had to smell my peachy clothes, I could not have been happier to be having my hair done. Nothing feels better than covering up 6" roots.

After stopping at the grocery store (we needed more prunes), I hurried home to meet the boys for dinner. We scarfed down our food so we would have time to give Ollie a bath before the 7:30 hunger cries started. I packed his bag for tomorrow while Daddy fed the evening bottle. Ollie was so tired that he moaned while I sang him his lullaby and said his prayers. I think he was asleep in 10 seconds flat.

Tomorrow I start field training for the new job and I have to travel to Cincinnati-Dayton Road. I have to be up at 5:00 am, so I'm heading to bed soon. And I can't wait to change out of these stinky clothes.

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